First day in DeutschAkademie after more than a month away from learning German! Tough, but great. I have forgotten so many words from A1.1 and A1.2, but they are slowly coming back to my mind as I start to hearing and speaking only German. My class has only 7 students, and I find that everyone’s level is really high: in the other courses I took we were 12 people, but this course I’m taking now is only over 3 weeks, not 4, and we do 5 days a week instead of 4, so it’s super intensive.
Anyway, today we introduced ourselves and by answering the question “Warum lernst Du Deutsch?” we got to learn the use of “weil” in a sentence. After class I went to the Naschmarkt which is right around the corner from the school with a friend from the course whom I had met in November. We had an amazing falafel sandwich and two small but tasty pieces of backlava with ice cream and chai.