One of my favorite places in Vienna is Karlsplatz, despite the fact that it is probably one of the busiest places in Vienna. Karlsplatz is named after the church located here. In turn, the Karlskirche got its name after the Italian priest Saint Carlo Borromeo.
The church building is incredibly beautiful. A wide white staircase leads to the temple, at the both edges of it there are figures of angels. On both sides of the church two monumental pillars are located, decorated with spirals, on which different stage of Carlo Borromeo’s life can be seen. Inside, the building is decorated with frescoes, paintings and a large main altar in the middle.
More than that, you can find Otto Wagner Pavillons, Künstlerhaus, Techni sche Universitat, infront of which there is Resselpark. This park is a good place to meet friends, relax, or just sit alone with your own thoughts. You can find a lot of people in the park, but many benches are installed in a long distance from each other. Many people are sitting around an oval pool with group of sculptures by Henry Moore round it, which connect Karlskirche and park Ressel. So, can’t wait for warm days to come there again.
Photo of Christmas Market in Karlsplatz
Best Wishes,