Because I have been to Vienna and surroundings multiple times now, I already discovered some things that are typical Austrian, for example, all the sweet pastries, like Sachertorte, Topfengolatschen, and Marillenkuchen. On almost every street corner and metro or train station you will find a bakery (for example Ströck, Anker, der Mann and Aida), where you can buy these Austrian specialties. I already tried a few things and most of it is very good!
Another thing that stands out is the more or less alternative culture among students and other young people. Compared to the Netherlands, where almost everyone is so-called mainstream, you will find a lot more young people in Austrian that dress alternatively, have tattoos, dreadlocks and/or pearcings. Also smoking is much more common here. In the Netherlands not so many young people smoke anymore due to a heavy anti-smoking campaign and the bad image that smoking has nowadays. It is also forbidden to smoke in cafes and restaurants. I think in maybe 10 years Austria will be where the Netherlands is now concerning smoking
And of course the mountains and skiing are very Austrian. I have skied once, but it was not such a success unfortunately. I think it is very different if you grow up with it or not. There are many more typical Austrian things, but I have limited space; maybe my blog-successor can write more about his or her typical Austrian experiences.