Well this is it! Two months of writing for this blog is coming to an end because this is my final post to Deutsch Akademie. It’s not that I am finished with learning German, except I actually plan to proceed until B.1 at least, but you can write two months worth of blogs maximum. In addition, writing blog posts here was actually a nice way to remember and organize my time in Vienna, so I am hoping to continue my writing in my personal blog in the future…
Actually the last day of my course was on Tuesday; Thursday’s course got cancelled. During the first half of the class on Tuesday, we reviewed all the grammar we learned this month, and the second half of the class started off with a end- of- the- course test. After the test, we all got together at a cafe near Deutcsh Akademie for coffee and cake and conversation hour, which I originally thought would be on Thursday. Looking back this course alone, my German skills enhanced a lot! I can express myself in different situations now that I can combine independent and dependent clauses. Even in class, towards the end, the whole class was able to speak with each other in German, slowly but surely though.
I will return to Deutsch Akadmie for the next level (A.2.2), but as I mentioned, no more blogs Maybe in the near future, I will be able to write a blog in German! Until then, thank you for reading my posts so far!