Tag Archives: ungarn

Budapest is calling

Over the weekend I was at Budapest! A really nice city that has grew and got better since the last time I was there (which was around 8 years ago).

I was guided there a colleague of mine who was born and raised there. The first day he organized a pub-quest. There is a street near the old city center with all the possible different bars/clubs/cafes. On the way to one of the bars we have met a group of super-heroes: there was a batman, spiderman, hulk, etc. So I couldn’t resist and took a picture with them. This was actually a bachelor party. Have you seen something similar in Vienna? I don’t think so. It is because Eastern Europe is a completely different world.

Next day, we started with Spa – a huge old building with several types of swimming pools and special treatments such a massage. It is much cheaper than in Vienna, I should admit. The lunch was really massive. I didn’t want to order a lot, however, the portions of food in Hungary are huge, so anyone will be so much full as you could never imagine.

On Sunday, we visited the Parliament – the hugest governmental building after the Romanian one (if I am not mistaken). We have seen only several halls and rooms, but it already took us 90 minutes, so I could imagine how politicians are actually getting lost there. No trip to Budapest goes without taking a ride along the Donau river. The view, the feeling of water, the wind – everything is amazing. By the end of the day, just to close our wonderful weekend we did the beer-biking. It is a really weird mean of transportation connected with beer and pedaling. I would strongly recommend.

This is the short overview of how I spent my weekend. I hope that you had as exciting couple ofdaysas I did.

superheroeshungarian food parliament Budapest