Tag Archives: start

Hi! it is me!

4290_88342593559_747733559_1807030_3438774_n.jpgHello! My name is Roman. I was born in Russia, in the beautiful city St.-Petersburg.I’ve been living in Vienna for already 2.5 years. Currently, I am writing my Bachelor Thesis and doing my Internship. Also, I dedicate much of my time to music…by now I am playing bass guitar in two bands: High Journey (drum’n’bass, chill out, trance) and in Midnight Special (hard rock). Now, I have started visiting German Course in Deutsch Akademie and I hope it will be productive and fun.I have started this course from the level 2A and I hope that by the end of the month I will reach the 2B level. I will write about my experiences during this month and I hope that it is going to be helpful for anyone 🙂