Tag Archives: sonntag

What do you do on Sundays?

I have been living in Vienna for a while already, and there are a lot of things that I got used to. For example, shops opening hours, fees for clubs’ entrance, service routines, etc. However, there is still one thing that makes me wondering! What people occupy their Sundays with?

For sure, city administration organizes different events, especially when the weather is good. This weekend there was a Street Festival, when some entertainments were offered in every district. Personally, I believe that it is a good initiative from the government’s side. Though, let us assume there is nothing going on. All stores are closed, most of the restaurants (except for city center) are closed, libraries are closed, so are cinemas and in addition the weather is bad (so you cannot go for a walk). What do you do?

Frankly, speaking Sunday became my least favorite day of the week here in Vienna. Of course, one could argue that students can study at home, parents could spend their time playing with children, love-birds could enjoy each other. Sounds like a nice plan, and I would like to believe that this is what actually happens. Though, there is this sixth sense that keeps telling me that most of the people no matter what their age or family status is spend their time in front of either TV or laptop. And this makes me said.

The question I would like to raise is whether this lazy day is actually needed in Austria, whether it actually helps to develop yourselves, or it only brings harm by creating laziness and apathy in people? Internationals in Vienna hardly get used to the fact that Sunday is a “dead-day” of the week, and I am among those people.

So if you have any suggestions what to do, how to get busy, please, let me and the rest of Vienna know.