Tag Archives: music

Music Keeping You Alive

It’s an open secret, that Vienna can rightly be considered as the capital of classical music. Long time ago composers of XVIII and XIX centuries came to the city under the patronage of the Habsburgs, and Vienna became the European capital of classical music. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven and Johann Strauss Jr. were directly involved into the musical life of Wien and left an invaluable mark on history. That is why, there is a numerous amount of music halls and concrets on daily basis. What is more, you could listen and feel the power of music in churches. St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Church of St. Charles and many others became regularly the venue for various concerts. Some days ago I visited St. Peter’s Church.

The Peterskirche is hidden in one of the streets which depart from the general and central Graben, on Petersplatz. The curch itself is amazingly beautiful, a pair of inclined towers on both sides of the dome and its bright colour give an unusual and picturesque look. The church is a place for free organ concerts and performances of choirs from all over the world. Also Orchestra called «Classic Ensemble Vienna» plays a program that includes works written by Mozart, Beethoven, Bach and Vivaldi. Daily at 3 pm and on weekends at 7pm the St. Peter’s church pleases its visitors with organ music for free or for church danations. With this incredible atmosphere and beauty inside the church, the music gives an additional charm. Organ music so fascinates you that you are unable to move and goose bumps appeare. There are no words!

Each person at least once in the life has to hear it!

Best Wishes!
