Tag Archives: exhibition


Visit Albertina

In Vienna are located one of the best galleries and museums in Europe! Here you can find rich cultural calendar with expositions of worldwide famous artists. Modern and contemporary artists and well known classic masters – every location has it’s very own mix of art exposing. One of the most significant and preferable art locations in town is Albertina. The beautiful building located in 1st district is home of beautiful resident collection and guest exhibitions.

Keith Haring exhibition

It’s worthy to go in Albertina till 24.06 to visit the exhibition of modern artist Keith Haring. He was friend with Andy Warhol, Grace Jones and many other important figures of the contra culture in USA in the 70/80s. Keith Haring is an artist with very well recognisable style and lot of energy – he loved to use every single possible place to draw on. New York subway, night clubs and graffiti walls were often his canvas. The current exhibition „Keith Haring , The Alphabet“ follows the most important symbols and characters in his oeuvre in the years. The war in Vietnam, the American dream, the rising influence of mass media among masses. All of these topics you can find coded in Haring’s symbolistic figures of barking dog, red monkey and phallic shapes. One of the most iconic American images as Statue of Liberty, Mickey Mouse and Dollar sign $ are interpreted with controversial and meaning. All important messages that the artist is showing us, are blooming into vivid colours and hilarious scents.

Additional information

There are some another current exhibitions in Albertina. „Monet to Picasso“ is  nice and short revue of these two masters. Another highlight is the photographic exhibition  „Director’s choice“. Part of the historical heritage of Albertina are the State rooms. They are showing typical Austro-Hungarian empire style of interior.

The regular entrance ticket price is 12,90 Euro. Albertina is easy accessible by U-Bahn – U1, U2, U4 (station: Karlsplatz/Oper), U3 (station: Stephansplatz).