Blog 2 by Anna
Think what to do in Vienna
Today was my second day of the B1.2 course at DeutschAkademie. I really enjoy the classes. We have always different tasks, not only learning Grammar and new words. For example today the home work was to describe a picture we like and the feeling we have when looking at it.
I could not think about any specific famous picture. So I decided to go to some museum and chose one particular work of art, which will be interesting to describe and which will resonate with my emotional state. Hmm… It is easy to say, but when I started checking out the museums in Vienna, I realized that there are so many exhibitions, which I wanted to visit, that I was lost.
I am excited of how many opportunities Vienna has to offer. I have promised myself that this week I will visit one museum a day.
Finally I made my choice. Today I am going to Belvedere. I have visited its gardens a lot of times, but I never went inside. Today I will do it and I will describe the picture, which will impress me the most.

Belvedere was very spectacular today.

Firstly, there were not so many tourists as I expected. I was amazed by its majestic beauty indoors and outdoors. But I remembered that my goal was to find a picture, which I want to write about. And this was a challenge for me.
From the very beginning of the exhibition in the upper Belvedere I liked every picture. I could stand there for hours looking at each of them. Which picture is the best? There is no answer, because beauty and art are relative. It depends on the mood and on the way one perceives the world in this specific moment.
I can honestly say, that I loved a lot of works of art in the museum, but there was one which made me think the most.
It is called “Zur Schule” by Edmand Krenn.
Two girls and a boy are painted there. It’s raining, one girl is holding an umbrella and they are going to school. Barefoot… I started to reflect about the difference in life nowadays and back then in 1883. How many excuses can one have not to go to school and to skip lessons!
And my grandmother was missing school because there was just one pair of winter shoes for 6 siblings. So let’s appreciate what we have and try to do our best in all the circumstances. This is what I want to write in my essay, when I will describe the picture.
The most difficult part is to put all my thoughts in German words and to write the sentences correctly, but this is why I am here in DeutschAkademie – to study and to become good at explaining myself in German. And I know, I will reach my goal.
And at the same time I am enjoying wonderful city of Vienna, visit museums and let my breath be taken away by the beauty of this architecture.
Bis Bald,