This post I would like to dedicate to my classmates. They are so open-minded, outgoing and creative people. During our course, I felt like I am one of them. We became good friends. So, I want to say some words about them.
Ezster. She is a very kind girl who came from Hungary. Ezster is young, but she is very mature. She came to Vienna to enter the university. Besides, she thinks that Vienna has a lot of opportunities. To her mind, there are more chances to find the right person, with whom she can create a strong family. She started to learn German at the DeutschAkademie in order to speak the language of the country she wants to live in. Her favorite places in Vienna are the Schoenbrunn Zoo and the Haus des Meeres. As you understood, she likes animals.
Maga. This boy who is very energetic came from Russia. As Ezster, he came to enter the university. He studies the building engineering. Maga considers Vienna to be the most beautiful and cleanest city in the world. He is a fan of its architecture. His favorite place is the Natural History Museum.
The next guys are from Iran. Their names are Navid and Nazanin. They also came here to study. Nazanin wants to study Psychology and Navid wants to study Music. But both of them need a high level of the German language to be able to do that. That is why they started the German course in the DeutschAkademie. Navid thinks that Vienna provides a lot of opportunities for job seekers. He likes the climate and people that live here. He also likes to spend his free time in Schoenbrunn and Heldenplatz. To talk about Nazanin, she thinks that Vienna is one of the best cities in the world. She adores its cafes.
So, as you can notice, the DeutschAkademie can give you not only the knowledge of German but also good friends.