My Christmas present

As already mentioned in my previous post, 2 billion people on Earth are celebrating Christmas, and one of them am I. I am not going to tell you which or how many presents I received, and how delighted I am about them, but I will speak about one in particular.

One of my Christmas presents is a book for learning German :D. Since August I started learning German, in December I just finished the B1.1. level. Because I also started to work since October, I do not have so much time, and my time for German is limited to the one spent in classes, so I plan to have a break after the B1.2. module… and, my present is the perfect gift I could have. My plan is to have one month break, in which I will repeat and consolidated everything I learned until now. I will revise the grammar and vocabulary, and I will also try to improve my communication skills.


I am very excited about my new book, it looks really interesting with lots of exercises and grammar explanations. I am that kind of person who needs a very good knowledge of grammar and rules.

I am looking forward to do the exercises, but in the meantime I will try to teach my boyfriend some German, so… wish me good luck and I will keep you posted.

Even if you are in vacation, don’t forget to do some exercises or read a couple of articles.

Wish you a very pleasant evening,
