My name is Sofia Papakonstantinou. I am 24 years old and I am from Greece! Especially, my hometown is Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki is the second biggest city (after Athens which is the capital of Greece) in the northern part of Greece with over 1 million inhabitants in its metropolitan area. Thessaloniki is located on the Thermaic Gulf, in the northwest corner of the Aegean Sea.
1.Picture: Walk next to the Aegean Sea!
In Thessaloniki someone can find many squares, but the central one is called Aristotelous Square. Below you could see some photos and information about Aristotelous Square!
2.Picture: Marvellous view to Aristotelous Square!
3.Picture: Interesting information about Aristotelous Square!
Regarding my profession, I am a primary school teacher! During the four years of my undergraduate studies in the Democritus University of Thrace (Alexandroupolis, Greece), I have gained experience teaching 6-to-12-year-old students in a variety of settings. Furthermore, I have been accepted to start my Master degree on Special Education (via distance learning) in the Hellenic Open University in March. I am extremely happy about it!
I moved to Vienna four months ago for personal and professional purposes. I am still discovering this magnificent capital of Austria! In order to be more flexible in this new city, I began taking German courses for A2.1 level in DeutschAkademie and I am going to continue with A2.2 level in February
Liebe Gruß,
With much love,
Με πολλή αγάπη,
Sofia <3