After one month of DeutschAkademie Wien course, I feel little more confident about speaking German than before. It is good that I can communicate with people here with their own language. In Vienna, many people speak English because here is like very international place. Not only Austrian but so many from other country are living together in this city so using English is kind of easy way of communication as first step. Yet, surely German is needed language. It is not about you really need for living (it is actually good to know definitely), but people are expecting you to speak. And also some people does not speak even a little English. For example, when the guy for heating came to my flat to fix someting, I needed to speak with them for a little thing. But because they didn’t speak English and I couldn’t talk any German, it was a bit wired situation.. I was just trying to be nice and that was it lol That is all what I could do before. However now I am different. I can integrate with people in German at least better than before! I can also communicate with a heating guy for a little thing. At last, I just want to express my feeling that being able to communicate with people here with their own language is giving me so much fun and confidence, going to new dimension. Good luck with your study!!