Hello everyone!!
Easter holidays have finish but I still feel the consequences… Some more fat and some more happiness! I already miss chocolate and sweet cakes! I hope I will find some hidden ones that haven’t been found by kids I think this is an amazing tradition that in Italy we don’t really have… yes, of course the rabbit brings chocolate eggs but it’s not a tradition to hide them in the night and to seek them in the morning! Also a student of mine told me about another tradition that sadly is being forget: on Friday before Easter kids used to go around the city with something like a wooden bell. Luckily she said that in little villages kids keep on doing this “parade“ but in big cities like Vienna is not common to see it anymore. Another wonderful discovery about Easter (that not even all my Viennese friends knew) is that on Gründonnerstag (literally green Thursday) people use to eat spinach or something green, but just few knows that it comes from the old German term grînen Donnerstag, that is linked with the Christian tradition. Luckily at the DeutschAkademie they didn’t bring us any green food but… some CHOCOLATE!! And we were all very happy about it!!