Category Archives: Allgemein

Sisi Museum

Who, visiting Austria, hasn’t heard about Sisi? A well known figure, with a fascinating story, and yet frequently misunderstood. I was intrigued with her, ever since visiting Schönbrunn, and wanted to learn more, so I paid a visit to the Sisi Museum.

It’s found in the Hofburg, in the Stephan apartments and here you can find numerous personal trinkets that once belonged to Elisabeth, which are used to help bring the Empress’ true personality to life. Over the tour, you learn about her life as a young girl, about her life at court, the so called ‘Sisi Myth’, her travels as well as about her assassination.

I realise that for Austrians, Sisi is probably such an overtalked subject, a clichee even, but for people who first come here, it’s a pretty nice story that gives you a glimpse into the life of Austrian Royalty.


Wurst home made

Last night we chose to have something what many Austrians enjoy – The Käsekrainer. I have tried a few wurst varieties while in Vienna, but so far this one is my favorite. It contains cheese, which really compliments the meat. I bought it at a local supermarket, but I’m guessing it can be found all around.

How do you prepare it?

You cook it in a pan, with a little oil, for 15 minutes on one side, or until you start to hear the cheese popping. Then you turn it over on the other side and repeat the procedure. Simple and tasty!

Serve in a plate, next to a few pieces of bread and of course, mustard. If you like, you can enjoy a nice, cool beer with it too. Mahlzeit!*

By the way, Mahlzeit is what Austrians say for “Bon Appetit”



In the first few days after moving to Vienna, I had a hankering for cooking with fresh fruits and vegetables. Unsatisfied with the selection from the nearby supermarket, I set out to find a nearby market: there had to be something better. And not five minutes from where I live, I found this colorful, chaotic crowd of fruit and vegetable stands, seeds, incents, music, outdoor shops and terraces where people can chat, have fun and enjoy a nice day out.

There’s a mixture of smells and aromas, things old and new for sale and dishes from all over the world to try out. I haven’t yet tried something prepared entirely there, but I bought some tomatoes for home, which tasted really delicious and fresh. Whenever I need fruit or vegetables now, the nearby Naschmarkt is my first choice. Have you been there yet?

Myra Falls

Last summer I was here for an extended visit and had a bit more time to travel and sightsee. One weekend we drove up to Myra Falls, in Lower Austria. It’s a beautiful system of waterfalls, which extends for 20 something flights of narrow wooden stairs, on which you can walk up to get to the top.

There were very many tourists there on that hot summer day, as it was on a Sunday, but the falls gave a very pleasant breeze which made the heat bearable. The water was splashing everywhere around you, very loud and wild, and we photographed everything on our way up, and then down for the descent, because we wanted to take that beauty home with us.

When you get to the top, there is a lovely meadow and there you can find a small place where children can play, while the adults relax with some well-deserved refreshments. I really enjoyed that Sunday at Myra Falls and would definitely add it to the ‘must see’ list in Austria!

Figlmüller – best schnitzel experience

So one can’t move to Vienna without trying their delicious marker – the Schnitzel. For this, we decided to go to one of the most recommended restaurants – Figlmüller, which you can find in the First District. Many people on tripadvisor were saying that it’s a great culinary experience and the best schnitzel in Vienna, so I had to try for myself.

First, we couldn’t find a table, but luckily they opened a second location just a few streets away from the original Figlmüller, so we had better luck there. Wollzeile and Bäckerstraße are the streets of the two restaurants. This traditional restaurant offers schnitzels for over 100 years and the ambiance is really lovely. Waiters are friendly and courteous, other guests seem to be enjoying themselves wholeheartedly and they have really good beer as well. We each ordered a Wiener Schnitzel, with a side dish of potato salad, but as soon as they brought it to the table, I could see that we could have easily split it. The schnitzel was the size of the plate, and I was told it isn’t even the biggest possible size that you can find in Vienna. Wow

It was really delicious, just enough crunch and rich meat, and was beautifully complimented by the potato salad, cranberry sauce and drinks. Of course, I had to take more than half of it to go, but this just meant that I enjoyed it later as well. My recommendation is – you have to try it for yourself.

What other good places for traditional food have you found in Vienna?

Haus des Meeres

This weekend we discovered Haus des Meeres, an Aqua Terra Zoo just up the street from where I live. It’s 9 floors full of various fish, underwater animals and some species of reptiles, birds, monkeys and even bats! It’s really cool if you have the chance to schedule your visit during feeding times – information for which you can find on their website- so you can experience firsthand how sharks, fish and alligators devour their food. Rawr!


I really loved the giant turtle that I’ve seen there – it was a first experience for me – and enjoyed the slow but elegant way they move and twirl amongst the water bubbles. The whole place is very well kept and the animals seem good taken care of.

Aside from the beautiful things that you get to see, there is also a cozy rooftop restaurant, with a spectacular view over Vienna. I spent the better part of an hour admiring the near and far buildings of this beautiful city that I have moved to.


the Schönbrunn Palace gardens – a thing of beauty

One of the most magical afternoons of this summer, while the weather still allowed it, was the visit to Schönbrunn Palace gardens. Since its opening in 1779, it has attracted and amazed tourists from all over the world. There is a unique beauty in the stillness of the grass statues which blends perfectly with the neatly cared for flower walkways.

The Botanic Garden is a thing of beauty and all the gardens were artistically designed by landscapists employed by the royal family, at one time or another. Over time, the park was extended and articulated by a maze of avenues, which intersects with walks and vistas, and is meant to be an external continuation of the beauty inside Schönbrunn Palace.

When spring comes and weather allows it again, I will definitely go back and explore some more, or maybe just spend hours on a lazy afternoon laying on a blanket, admiring the sites.


New challenge – moving to Vienna!

Meet Andra, a decisive and energetic marketing professional, with an eye for fine-touch details and a bundle of creativity. Since she was a girl, she discovered she enjoys playing with words and tinkering with turns of phrase, into such a way that intrigues the reader and feeds his hunger for further knowledge.

What does she do when she’s not at her desk, hamstering at the keyboard? Well, as any good writer will tell you, in order to be a writer, one must first be a reader. She enjoys literature, losing herself in the shoes of a fictional character for a few good hours on a quiet afternoon. She has developed a passion for painting as well, and very much enjoys how the rest of the world goes quiet when she’s holding a brush. The fictional characters, world of games and lots of daydreaming so frequently slip into the themes of her paintings.

A forever adventurer, this autumn she took a new challenge: moving to Vienna. Taking on a new city and exposing herself to a new culture will hopefully take her career at the next level as well as help her grow on a personal level. Stay tuned to find out more!




Seriously sunny holiday destinations: Doha, a unique blend of the tradition and modernity

Quizzing enthusiasts will know Qatar as the country with the highest per capita GDP in the world. A few more may know it as the host nation for the 2022 Football World Cup, but not all of us will be able to place the tiny Middle Eastern country on a map and its easy to see why. The country is smaller than Montenegro in size and has just over 300,000 citizens. Doha, the only sizable city in the country is generally overshadowed by the regional superstar metropolis Dubai as the go to destination for people looking to experience the desert, magical Arabian nights and to get a glimpse of the oil wealth that has completely transformed the region in a matter of a few decades.

However, for those who have been rather taken aback by the rather cold weather that has been persisting in Wien since December and for travelers who like to indulge in learning different cultures, I would definitely recommend a short stay in Qatar to experience the many delights that this small country has to offer. I would even recommend it over Dubai for people looking for a more quieter, less commercial (and cheaper) vacation. Students on a tight budget may choose cheap flights run by Pegasus or the many other budget airlines that fly there.

Breathtaking view from the Doha International Airport

To being with, Doha really has one of the most picturesque airports I have been to. Right by the faultless gleaming aqua marine waterfront, a modern highway connects the Doha International Airport to the city. The water, sand, exquisitely maintained lawns and the beautifully designed infrastructure all come together to make it a really special welcome lounge for visitors.

Almost everywhere you go, you get to see the transformation that oil (largely natural gas actually, but lets not get pedantic) has had on the country. Most locals drive big, expensive 4x4s and you see some remarkable constructions wherever you look, but the city does continue to maintain its Eastern charm. Qataris generally dress up in their traditional costumes and you have pockets in the city, where you find old markets (souqs) and other remnants of the old ways of life here. Qatar also hosts some of the best museums highlighting Arab and Islamic Art. A number of scenic locations in Doha have the mesmerizing blue sea as a backdrop and feature architecture that incorporates modernity and tradition in such a seamless fashion that its hard to figure out where one ends and the other begins.

Qatar’s architecture – A blend of heritage and modernity

If you happen to know any locals, you must visit ‚Majlises‘ that big families host regularly. Guests are welcome and everyone gets a warm reception and excellent snacks. Most Qataris are extremely soft spoken and have a easy going charm that you will come to appreciate almost immediately. Young locals are usually highly educated and have spent time in (often top) western universities, so you can have interesting, informative discussions with them. The country also attracts a lot of affluent expatriate talent, which means that you may also find people hailing from your nationality if you look around (expats comprise over 80% of the total population).

The best time to visit the country would be from October to March to escape the intense heat and humidity, but if you don’t mind some sun, then just go there in the early or late summer.

Hope you enjoyed the post! Do comment if you have anything to add.

My Christmas present

As already mentioned in my previous post, 2 billion people on Earth are celebrating Christmas, and one of them am I. I am not going to tell you which or how many presents I received, and how delighted I am about them, but I will speak about one in particular.

One of my Christmas presents is a book for learning German :D. Since August I started learning German, in December I just finished the B1.1. level. Because I also started to work since October, I do not have so much time, and my time for German is limited to the one spent in classes, so I plan to have a break after the B1.2. module… and, my present is the perfect gift I could have. My plan is to have one month break, in which I will repeat and consolidated everything I learned until now. I will revise the grammar and vocabulary, and I will also try to improve my communication skills.


I am very excited about my new book, it looks really interesting with lots of exercises and grammar explanations. I am that kind of person who needs a very good knowledge of grammar and rules.

I am looking forward to do the exercises, but in the meantime I will try to teach my boyfriend some German, so… wish me good luck and I will keep you posted.

Even if you are in vacation, don’t forget to do some exercises or read a couple of articles.

Wish you a very pleasant evening,


Lebede si o plimbare pe malul Dunarii

Pentru cei care locuiesc in Viena, este bine stiut ca pe malul Dunarii se gasesc mandre lebede gata de a fi admirate si fotografiate.

Cum traditia Craciunului este una imbelsugata, iar pe mesele romanilor se afla bucate care mai de care mai imbietoare si gustoase, corpul nostru se resimte si are nevoie de o plimbare asa ca… hop top si noi pe malul Dunarii la plimbare.

Vremea de astazi a fost una placuta, iar lebedele ne-au facut deliciul oferindu-ne un show garantat. Plimbari scurte, jucat intre ele, sau mici conflicte spre incantarea spectatorilor. Data viitoare voi sti sa iau putina mancare de acasa, iar succesul de a sta aproape de mine o sa fie unul garantat.

Daca esti in Viena in aceasta perioada, ai chef de aer curat si o scurta plimbare, profita de ocazie si fa o vizita lebedelor de la statia de metrou Handelskai.

Distractie placuta!