Yesterday was the last day of my B1.2 intensive course here in DeutschAkademie. Long story short: it was so, so, SO good! That’s why in this post I want to tell you more about my progress, the course itself and my impressions about it.
To be honest, before the beginning of the classes, I was slightly worried about the course level I was put into, but eventually it turned out to be a perfect fit. I have already done a couple of intensive courses in my home country before the beginning of this one, so I knew what to expect from it. An intensive course is usually a perfect and balanced mix of reading, listening, writing, and, of course, speaking: your brain works non-stop during the class, and even after the end of it you still think about German However, don’t worry about the big amount of workload – doing an intensive course is easier than it sounds! The atmosphere in the class is very nice and informal, everyone has more or less the same language level – that’s a perfect environment to learn (also from each other’s mistakes!). And of course I totally must mention the importance of the teacher: my class had an absolutely professional, competent and super friendly one! He was keeping us motivated and concentrated during the whole course, and he was very supportive, which I find very important in learning. But I’m pretty sure that this description applies to all teachers in DeutschAkademie.
So, did I learn a lot during this month? No. In fact, I learned a massive amount of stuff! Finally all the grammar gaps in my mind have started to fill themselves, now I’m able to express myself much better, both in speaking and writing. One thing I need to work harder though, is my vocabulary. But this 100% depends on me: I can access all the possibly existing German words straight from my laptop, which can be used not only for endless Internet surfing Just a little less procrastination and it’s all good!
P.S. The course was so much fun, that I’ve decided to continue further! Very excited to start B2.1 next Monday and to learn more of those cheeky grammar rules & verb conjugations!