Author Archives: Hidenobu Niwa

Neue Woche im Deutschkurs!

This evening, I want to write about what I like about DeutschAkademie and also what motivates me to learn German on a daily basis. I chose DeutschAkademie to learn the language at this point because I needed to push myself to really start off my learning process. Before I was just lazy to study but I believe that sometimes the motivation will come after putting myself in the situation where I should study.

I like DeutshAkademie because it goes everyday. It is intense indeed. And I know the language learning takes time but I thought it is just fantastic to begin like this. Everyday I can listen and be associated with German language with learning purpose. The class is actually quite frank and friendly. I go to the evening class and people are really motivated to study. So it actually encourages my motivation as well.

And if you take some course or class, a teacher is very important right? Our teacher is very good at explaining things and if you have questions, she always answers with accurate way. She is disciplined and therefore the class goes smoothly and finishes on time. After a week of listening intensive German, I feel my ear is getting used to German. Now I think I should speak more and more regardless of mistake to just get the feeling that I can communicate with people!

Wiener Philharmonicaka





Vienna – the city I love

For today, I am going to write about my feeling and life in Vienna………………………


Vienna is very nice and comfortable city. It is not as big as Tokyo or London for example but it is categolized as a big city and has many things you can enjoy. It has many historical buildings (like other EU country, the city itself is museum for me) I am fascinated about. There are also modern buildings like UN building and near there.

If you want to go to shopping, you can easily get to shops. Since Vienna is compact and because the transpatiation is well developed, you can go to every part of the city within almost always 1 hour (usually 30min-). You can enjoy the cloth shopping, food we have a very nice market called „naschmarkt“ where you will see many fresh vegitable, fruit, meat and fish and everything.

Vienna is very famous for music. If you go around the city, you will see a lot of people bringing some kind of musical instrument (usually young student learning music). We have a big opera house at just a center of the city. So you will be able to enjoy real music. And there are also free event for music doing occastionally. Especially during summer, at the townholl the city offers nice music event. You can listen to interesting opera, singing song on the huge screen. Internatioanl food restarurant are going to be there as well.

There are many thing about Vienna that I cannot write here only for tonight. The best thing for you to know Vienna is to visit here! I garrantee you that you do not disappoint traveling here and also living here. If you want to have a new experience, check it out!


WHY German!? WHY DeutschAkademie!?

Today I want to write about the reason why I am taking a German class and why DeutschAkademie. The first and simple answer to this question is that I need it for my visa application process. With my current visa states, I need to update it every year. And the certificate of German is requirement. The second reason is for a job. At the beginning, I was thinking I can get a job easily here because I speak English and Japanese. But the reality was a different. If you want to work in Austria like German speaking country, you should be able to use German as a working language except you are lucky or native English speaker. This is what I felt as I live and look for a job here.

The third which is last one is for communicating people here with their own language. It would be sad that you cannot speak German language even if you lived in those German speaking country. I have been given a huge opportunity to learn another language which is great. I want to be able to understand people here with their own language. And it can be my confidence and future advantage as well. German is very needed or high demanded language in abroad too.

DeutschAkademie has a couple of benefit. The best thing about this institution is a period -intensive. One period goes only a month and you can quickly go up to next level(of course you should work a lot!). So if you are able to invest a lot of time and want to be quick learning, then this is the best option for you. And the price is also affordable compere to other institution. The size of the class is for me very nice. Around 10 people studying together is comfortable. I can learn from teacher as well as other student as well.

Tomorrow is the last class of this week. I gotta work on study more and more!!


Second Day in DeutschAkademie!!

I just came back home from my 2th day of German class in DeutschAkademie. For me, meeting new people gives me power and the fact that I can again learn German in the proper class is just existing thing to have. So I was very happy to be in the class.

My first class started with an introduction of each student. Honestly I got the class a bit late but I could explain my self in German (very well). They are around 10 students in my class and they are from different country such as Spain, Egypt, Romania、Jordan etc and also different age. This variety is one of the thing that I love when I study a language in a class in foreign country. Because I can get to know a different culture and this experience makes me an international person I feel.

Most of both man and woman are young people. I am 28. There is a young man who is willing to go to university after the German class for example. But also there is a little bit old man as well. But I believe that everyone there are fresh and young in their inside because they are challenging new thing like learning other language which I can look up.

As I finished 2th day, I am gDSC_0051etting to know new people like becoming friends. So it is also nice thing to participate in language course. Well, sDSC_0051ee you tomorrow! DSC_0051



First Day of Writing a Blog!!

Hi there! My name is Hidenobu Niwa. I am from Japan and have been living in Vienna for almost 4 years. The reason why I came to this country is manly two. One was for my girlfriend who has been here for a long time and eventually became my wife. The another reason is challenging my self. As a Japanese young man, I really wanted to see a lot of places in EU and I knew that I could learn a language and culture and as many stuff I want. At the beginning, I was going to the English teaching style university here in Vienna. My subject was business administration. And now I started working at an exporting company which product is mainly about motorbike parts. As I am a fresh man, I now have to learn and study many stuff in the company. But I feel a sense of fulfillment over there. Going to „deutschakademie“ gives me also that kind of feeling. Of course, working as you study is not easy thing, but if you are ambitious about your possibility, it can be fun I believe. Honestly I need German because of Visa extension, but also I am believing this language brings me many opportunity and wonderful thing in future. I chose this way, so let’s see how much I can grow up in this period!
