Another perspective!

Hello there! It’s me again 😉

Tonight I will go to bed with just an image in my mind: the beutiful view over Vienna! In fact sometimes it’s beautiful to change perspective on how we look at things! I think we all agree on how wonderful is Stephansdom… in any different corner you look at it, there are new surprises to discover!

For just 4,5 euro you can see everything from another point of view, and not just the kirche, but the whole city ! In fact the main tower it’s 137 meters high and after 343 steps (don’t worry you can do it ! The end it’s closer than you think!) a breathtaking landscape is gonna surprise you (the double sense is allowed)! After about three fourths of the stairsnyou come outside for a while and walk a few metres on a narrow cornice (don’t be afraid, it’s wide enough and the banister is solid). At this point the first reward for your effort comes, as the north-eastern part of Vienna lies below you. When you enter inside the tower again, you come into a relatively roomy space with high ceiling. An information sign says that in the past this was the location of Pummerin, the biggest bell in Stephansdom cast three hundred years ago of captured Turkish cannons. A little more effort and you are the king of the city with the amazing view you were promised to see!

I personally loved the possibility to be closer to the roof: it is an artwork by itself. The roof is made of 230,000 glazed tiles of different colours which form various mosaics and patterns. On the south side of the roof  the mosaics represent the double-headed eagle, symbol of the Austrian empire under the rule of the Habsburgs. You can stay upside as long as you like and once you decide to go back there’s a good news: descending is much faster than the way up!

A good reward after so much effort !! Really it’s worth it !