Do you have clear in mind when is needed to use Akkusativ or Dativ? Don’t be in a panic! Below you can find some quick tricks that may help you, as they help me during the course in DeutschAkademie
1.Picture: Taking notes during the lesson!
When we ask “Wohin?”, we use Akkusativ. For example, “Wohin legst du das Buch?” the correct answer is “Ich lege das Buch auf den Tisch.”.
Akkusativ indicates a reason, a cause or a movement (eine Bewegung) and refers to someone who is doing something.
Some of the most popular verbs accompanied by Akkusativ are legen, stellen, hängen.
When we ask “Wo?”, we use Dativ. For example, “Wo liegt das Buch?” the correct answer is “Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch.”.
Dativ indicates that something is in a state and refers to an object and not to the person’s action.
Some of the most popular verbs accompanied by Dativ are liegen, stehen, hängen.
Have you pointed out the above tricks in Picture 1? If not, the next picture will give you more examples using Akkusativ and Dativ.
2.Picture: More examples with Akkusativ and Dativ!
Liebe Grüße,
With much love,
Με πολλή αγάπη,
Sofia <3