Funny stories and how to learn new words in german

B: – Hey Sampa, yesterday a big animal was in Robin’s room. We should open the window, and maybe the animal can go away, because I don’t want to touch it!!!

S: – Which animal?
B: – This animal which jumps, you know? (I started to jump)
S: – Kangaroo?????
B: – No, no kangaroo, hahahaha. How can a kangaroo jump throw the window?
S: – Yes, that is a kangaroo. The animal which jumps like this (she started to jump) is a kangaroo.
B: – Hahahahaha, noooooo, come, I will show you!!!!
(We were coming to the room)
B: – WTF? The door is open, why is it open?????
S: – I opened to clean the room!
B: – Nooooo, now the animal can be somewhere else in the house!!!! Close it, close it again!!!!
S: – Now you scared me!!!! Was is a rat?
B: – Nooooooo, I will show you on Google (I wrote the word „saltamontes“ in Google). Is this!!!!
S: – Aaaaaah, that is a „Heuschrecken“!!!

der Heuschrecken = Grasshopper (english) or saltamontes (spanish).

schrecken = to scare.