Deutsch courses

Of course Deutsch Akademie is not the first Deutsch Courses I have taken.My first courses were in Saint-Petersburg, it was first time, then I’ve started to learn German. I took this courses because I knew that I am going to Austria and I felt the need to know this language. Second courses, were at my university, actually it is a part of the program here, so I’ve lernt German here for almost 2.5 years, and still not able to use this language. 🙁        My friend told me about Deutsch Akademie. Firstly, honesly to say I thought that it is just not worth to spend 250 euros for montly Deutsch Course, but from the very fisrt lesson at Deutsch Akademie I have realised that all this money I had spent were not a waste, but one of the best investments in my life 🙂       Our teacher Julia, made a combination of Grammer and Fun. We played a lot of games, and I think that games is the most useful mean of learning, because you feel relaxed and just let your language flow. I think you now that I mean.