I have very friendly and nice group-mates. There are nine people except me in our group: Mirka and Anna from Poland, Tina from Croatia, Kelly from Taiwan, Alexandra from Hungary, Yashar from Turkey, Jun from Japan, Marianna from Serbia and Renee from Australia.here you can view a photo of my group:
Most of them are studying here in Universities/schools/colleges, but there are some people who are working here in Vienna. For instance Yashar is living in Vienna for almost 8 years. He has family here and his children are going to kindergarden. I was a bit surprise to meet people like Yashar and Mirka (who is living here also for a quite a long time) because I thought that I will meet on this German course only students, who are here on exchange programs or who are studying in international universities. But to meet a grown up, experienced person was a bit of shock for me. I would like to say that people like Yashar and Mirka are deserving high respect, because for example my dad has neither patience neither willingness to study, and this is a pity.In my opinion one should never stop studying something new, because the more you know the broader this world seems to be for you.Never stop studying my friends Never!I hope that people like Yashar and Mirka could be a very good banchmark.