Hello cool people!
Everybody knows Schloss Schönbrunn and everybody agrees on how amazing it is, but more then the Schloss itself I always fell in love with its huge park! It is just unbelievable how big it is and how many different and amazing things it hides: the Roman ruins, the Columbary, the Obelisk fountain… anytime I go there I love to get lost and find another surprise that the park want to show me! But last time I went… I literally got lost in it! In fact there’s a Labyrinth and of course I did it!
The Maze at Schönbrunn was laid out around 1720 and originally had four quadrants with a central (probably elevated) pavilion. Consisting of paths between tall, narrow hedges without the dead-ends and false turns of a classic maze, it was intended to offer an inviting setting for a gentle stroll. But I got lost and my gentle stroll became a nightmare (I’m definitely exaggerating but really, is not that easy to get out the Labyrinth!). It was gradually abandoned and only reopened in 1999. It was reconstructed on the historical model with yew hedges. It offers plenty of games for visitors of all ages and at its center again is a viewing platform, next to which two harmony stones with ‘energizing properties’ have been set up… basically one stone is the symbol of woman energy and the other one is the symbol of man energy and together they are in harmony but most of all, if you are not in harmony with yourself, you can hug your stone and find peace… you might not believe it but I did it with a friend just to take a picture and she hugged the ‚male‘ stone while I hugged the ‚female‘ stone and… I felt suddenly at peace while she felt nothing!